The Latest Updates from CRC

Managing Workplace Conflict
The most frequently sought service provided by CRC through recent months has been the maintenance of respectful workplaces.

Reducing Costs Through Skype and Facetime
CRC has noticed greater efficiencies of time and effort, allowing the reduction of client costs, through the appropriate use of Skype and Facetime.

Government Employees and Politicians
In the last few months CRC has witnessed a marked increase in disputes between public servants of various levels of governments that are their employers.

Respectful Workplaces and Harassment
Throughout this year, CRC has noticed a spike in employee complaints filed under employment respectful work place policies.

Recent Use of CON/MED in Quantum Claims
In recent months CRC has proven that its Con/Med service is effective resolving simple quantum claims.

Another Successful Conciliation/Mediation in an Employment Dispute
Last month CRC successfully resolved a complicated employment dispute through its CON/MED services.